House vocab Crossword
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1. There's a ghost in my _______. 3. There's a large _____ in my kitchen. 8. The window is opposite the _____. 9. In my house, the TV is in the ____-____. 10. There's a _______ next to the fridge. 12. Synonym and abbreviation for television. 14. In my bathroom, there's a bath, no _____. 15. In my kitchen, we've got a large _____. 16. In my living-room, there's a _____ above the TV. 18. we've got four _____ around the table. 22. It's a useful appliance to wash up !
2. Sometimes it's in the bathroom, or in the WC. 4. This chair has got arms! 5. I've got a _____ above my bed. 6. It's very cold ! 7. This is a very comfortable place to watch TV. 11. My favourite place to read mags and listen to music. 13. Opposite to downstairs. 17. I watch it every day. 18. It's got drawers, or not. Sometimes there's a treasure in it ! 19. The place to wash. 20. To go upstairs...or downstairs. 21. My favourite place to sleep.